Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Fun Hats
Friday, January 25, 2013
I Went to President Obama's Second Inauguration!
I met a Washington Post journalist (John Kelly), pictured here with me, while we were waiting for the inauguration parade in DC on Monday. Mr. Kelly was very nice and we spoke about a lot of things, and I’m absolutely tickled to be included in the WaPo article: “Obama’s Second Act Draws a Smaller But Spirited Crowd”
The portion about me and my husband, Mike, is on page 3. I’ll just paste it here in case you don’t have time to read the whole article; although the entire piece is very good, so I hope you’ll try to get over to the WaPo website and read it.
------- from the Wahington Post --------
Others were just happy to be there.
Monday was Cindy Johns’s 54th birthday.
Two weeks ago Johns was finishing up her final round of chemotherapy. She’d lost her hair and was prone to “chemo brain,” the fuzzy fog that envelops cancer patients, she said.
But she knew exactly where she wanted to be on Jan. 21 — in Washington for the inauguration.
“She got some wigs so she could come out,” said her husband, Mike Johns, 52.
The Johnses live in Ohio. He works in a factory that builds Whirlpool appliances, and she has an online company designing greeting cards.
She said she likes Obama’s approach to solving problems, and his quick mind. “I think he’s going to end up the greatest president this country’s ever had,” she said. “I know an awful lot of people don’t believe that.”
Last Wednesday, Cindy Johns’s doctor said she appears to have beaten her cancer — her second bout in 15 years. The Johnses divided their drive into two, stopping to see their daughter in Pittsburgh.
Cindy Johns is still weak, and she used a cane and a wheelchair that she occasionally sank into at 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW while waiting for the parade.
“Nothing could stop me from being here,” she said.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Zentangle Inspired
Here's a pretty cool video that shows some of the extraordinary things you can do with this easy-to-learn artistic technique.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Happy Times at Home Together
The title of this post suggests I'm feeling good. In spite of the current condition of my cancer and the seemingly endless treatments (which unfortunately will need to continue into 2013), for the most part I am feeling good. However, today I'm feeling a little I wanted to post something happy that I can look at from time to time when I feel this way - to cheer myself up. :-)
This picture was taken on one of the happiest days of my life. It was actually just a few weeks ago. I had an idea to take some pictures of my kids and me while they were home from college for a few days. I wanted to make my bald-headedness (from the chemo) something to laugh about and to let other folks (who may be dealing with cancer or some other devastating illness) know that even when you and your family are struggling through the difficulties of the disease/treatment/etc., it's important to take advantage of special happy moments and have fun when you can.
So that's exactly what Megan, Milo, and I did; and we had a LOT of fun that day! I'm not very skilled at making videos; but I think in spite of that, this one turned out pretty good...and I'm proud to share it:
Sunday, November 4, 2012
I know it has been forever since I posted, but...
Oh well. Enough about my problems. Be sure and vote on Tuesday, November 6th!! :-) Make me proud! :-)
Update: I'm SO proud of American voters! President Obama was re-elected!! Yay! And so was Senator Sherrod Brown from Ohio!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Zazzle Has a New Product Line!

Hush Little Baby, Don't Say a Word-Pink & RedHeart by ilovecuttables
Design custom baby pacifiers online at
Friday, August 31, 2012
Funny Font Cartoon
I just went through an experience similar to this with a font I was working on, so I think this is particularly funny. The cartoon links to a fun font called Janda Stylish Script created by Kimberly Geswein.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Back to School!

Send your favorite flower-loving student a card that encourages their doodling talents as they head back to school this fall.
Doodling is actually a very productive past-time. Study finds doodling aids in concentration
Sunday, August 19, 2012
I'm Back! :)
Anyhow, I also just opened a MySoti store. They sell lampshades, apparel, and artwork. I created my first lampshade today. :) And here it is:
MySoti - ilovecuttables - 'Bold Pointillism Designed, Floral Lampshade'- Lampshade
Update: I found out in September that the cancer wasn't in remission, after all. It had been misdiagnosed and under-treated. :-(
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy Fourth of July!!!!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happy Father's Day From Google Doodle!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Three Inkscape Videos by CutTwoPieces
Carolyn shows us the basics of making knot designs in Inkscape.
Carolyn shares more tips on knot designs in this second part of her series.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
April is Stress Awareness Month

And here is a good summary of how to cope with stress.