Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cancer. Bummer.

I was diagnosed with cancer about 12 years ago. I guess since I'm still here I'm a survivor. Celebrate with me by giving Paper Greeting Cards for Cancer Patients.

I don't really want to write about cancer today, even though it is the first day of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But what I will do is give you a link to my story about how the chemo did a real number on my brain and memory. The article is from a special time that I DO remember, and that was when I was asked by Corrie Kuipers to share one of my greeting cards in GCUCommunity's Design Spotlight.

I'm also going to include three poignant XKCD comic strips, because they express what I feel better than I can. These comics really hit home for me; but the last one because it's just so funny...and when you can laugh about cancer, you're going to get through it ok.
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Okay, if you've stayed with me this long... I'll share one more thing with you just for shitz and giggles. This is a picture of me when I was bald from the Chemo back in May of 1999. Made me cry a lot back then, but I can finally laugh about it now. :) Besides, I have a head full of gorgeous, natural curly hair now. :)
Update: When I started writing this I forgot what year I was diagnosed (my chemo brain gets me every time). It was 1998 rather than 1999, so it's been about 13 years instead of 12.

Later update: A poignant card that I made to give encouragement to people with cancer was chosen as Greeting Card Universe's Design of the Day for October 3rd, 2011. I am so very honored and humbled. Here it is (and also thank you, XKCD, because I got the idea from one of your comic strips).


  1. Hi Cindy, Congrats on surviving since 13 years!!! Read your other article - can relate to brain fog :D. Praying for both of us that we live and that we live abundantly and with joy. You're in my thoughts!
    Hugs, barbara (schreiber)

  2. Thank you, Barbara! We have a lot in common, you and I. We've both learned to overcome obstacles and we've also come to accept the lives we've been blessed with (sometimes amazing and sometimes challenging).

    Thank you for posting. :) I'm inspired by your faith and your art; and am sending you hugs, too. :)


  3. Cindy, I remember reading your story and was so touched to hear the fight and victory in your voice . . . you go girl!

  4. Cindy, your story is very moving... you're a beautiful person, inside and out. Love your choice of cards too.
    Janet Lee

  5. Cindy, indeed you ARE a survivor! Thanks for sharing the link to your Design Spotlight ... it was good to re-read it and be reminded of your inspiring story!

